Saturday, August 4, 2007

Still settling in

Chama River Valley

In some ways it feels as if I was never gone.

I'm still sorting things out and putting them away. At the same time I'm trying to catch up with e-mails, particularly the one's from school.

I ordered the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum Collections along with the Georgia O'Keeffe Catalog Raisonne. I found them with Amazon. I got a good price break and I didn't have to haul them across country. That was a good thing, too, since the Catalog Raisonne alone weighs 20 pounds!

Since I've been home I find myself waking up in the middle of the night with ideas for projects, both for myself and for my students. I have to write them down as I get them, otherwise they'll be lost in the flood of beginning-of-the-school-year in-services and professional development opportunities.

Mesa Verde

There are reports to file with Fund for Teachers, paintings to paint, drawings to draw and all matter of other things to do. Where does the time go?

Taos Sunset behind the Sagebrush Inn

Leaving Taos Pueblo

Its time to take a breath and remember sitting outside in the moonlight at Ghost Ranch. The real versus the unreal, all the chaos of functioning in the system versus the hands-on reality of days lived in the air and light. I know why Georgia O'Keeffe chose to lived in Northern New Mexico.

Rainstorm over Cerro Pedernal

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