Monday, September 1, 2014

Long time, no see!

Hey there!

I'm back!

Life is full of changes and mine has changed a great deal. In the past three months I've done some drastically different things.

I quit my teaching position that I've held for the past 16 years. I quit public education where I've worked for 22 years. I retired from the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, and, yes, I'm old enough to retire.

I've taken a job teaching art at a very small private school. I cut my commute from 20 miles round trip per day to a pleasant walk of less than a mile.

I've been reassessing my environment and loving it. The surrounding neighborhood has numerous stores of all kinds from grocery to specialty. There are two, not one, but two very complete art supply stores. There is a library nearby. I live within walking distance of two labyrinths and many museums. A new park was just added several blocks away. Of course, the weather in Houston doesn't make for easy walking in the summer, but autumn's on its way!

My studio is packed with supplies of all kinds, accumulated over 22 years of teaching and experimenting. I always thought I would have time to work, but it didn't seem to turn out that way. I'm sorting and culling. This new job may be just what I need to jog me into creating again!

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