Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Leaving San Francisco

I have discovered that traveling with a broken arm can be difficult. Duh!

Going through security at airports with a metal plate in my wrist requires a pat down and having my splint swabbed. Oh, well.

Here you see me and the arm preparing to leave San Francisco.

As usual, everything that could go wrong did.

I was in the first group leaving for Tokyo. There are so many JFMF teachers that they divided us into two groups. I was looking forward to arriving to Tokyo early, but this was not to be.

First, the plane was delayed by one hour, than a small mechanical problem had to be fixed which meant finding and installing a new part, and, finally, someone had to be found to take the entryway (Why do I always want to call it the gang plank?) away from the plane so that we could move to the runway.

Once in the air it is slightly more than ten hours to Tokyo.

I did my best to keep my arm elevated.

Up, up, up, and awaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

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