Friday, May 25, 2007

At last the end is near, make that here, . . .

The school year is over, at least for me. I have spent all of my time and energy for the last two weeks preparing for this moment. Now that its here I just may know what the rabbit caught in the headlights was feeling. Fortunately for me the outcome is not near as dramatic.

I’ve been afraid to really work on my road trip plans, hence the long delay between postings. I was afraid that if I started to focus on my summer plans I would never be ready for the end of school. The end of school is the same every year with kids and teachers equally wound up. Everything that can go weird does. There are class parties, awards and rewards. Schedules change by the moment. Nothing is set in stone and adaptability is the order of the day.

As it was, I was able to get my classes taught, my paperwork done, my classroom packed up and cleared away, but best of all, I did it all today. I’ll have to go back and collect artwork from the administration building and put up a bulletin board at school, but other than that I am finished until the start of school in August.

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